
The Dyste Family Web Site

From Norway to North Dakota and all points beyond…….

This site is owned by Erik Dyste. Currently it is a tribute to is parent's 40th Wedding Anniversary.

Dyste Related Links

Links to anything regarding Dyste.

Gordon - Dyste

This site is owned by Michael Gordon who is a descendant of the Dyste Family. He has done some great research and compiled a great source of information.

Dyste Williams Insurance, Minnesota

This is a fourth generation company founded and currently managed by a Dyste.

Dyste's Food Pride, Forman, North Dakota

Another fourth generation Dyste owned and operated company.

Web site or page name 5

Select the Web site or page name above and link it to a Web address (URL). Describe the site and explain why the site is useful to your reader.

Web site or page name 6

Select the Web site or page name above and link it to a Web address (URL). Describe the site and explain why the site is useful to your reader.

To contact us:

Phone: 555-555-5555

Fax: 555-555-5555


Sons of Norway

An organization for keeping the Norwegian spirit alive in the United States. I used to be an active member of my local group and enjoyed singing Norwegian songs, finding out about the comings and going of visiting Norwegians. It is a very enjoyable group.

Kolbu, Toten, Norway

Select the Web site or page name above and link it to a Web address (URL). Describe the site and explain why the site is useful to your reader.


Toten is the Norwegian county that Kolbu is in. Kolbu is where the Dyste Family church is located.