
The Dyste Family Web Site

From Norway to North Dakota and all points beyond…….

Send Howard an E-Mail with your birthday greetings ( or just to say “hi”. This would also be a good opportunity to provide any reminiscence about Howard and the Dyste Family. The clan gathering is coming up in July of 2005 and it would be great to create a lasting forum of memories.


Fred Dyste (

Send a  Greeting To Howard

Howard Nels Dyste’s 90th Birthday was on January 22nd, 2005. He has seen a great deal in his lifetime and had plenty of energy to see more. The party was a joyous event attended by forty family members. Click here to see the pictures.



January 22nd, 1915—Howard is born to Gerhardt Maurice and Alma Hansena (Flittie) Dyste in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


1936—Howard hitch hikes his way from South Dakota to California just for the heck of it. He kept a diary along the way and produced a wonderful letter highlighting his trip.


1939—With war looming on the horizon and work prospects being bleak in the Dakotas, Howard enlists in the Army Air Corps as a clerk. He is one of the few enlistees with a degree and management ability. He is also one of the few that can type!


1941—Howard works his way into Office Candidate School and attends class at Harvard in order to receive his commission. During basic training he his paired next to Clark Gable during calisthenics. Robert MacNamara is one of his OCS professors.


March 25th, 1943—Howard marries Frances Sophia Nelson in New York at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral. He immediately ships off to North Africa to join the 15th Squadron of the Army Air Corp. Fran and Howard do not see each other again for two years. Howard asks his father to buy Frances roses every week out of his paycheck.


1944—Somewhere in Italy Howard runs into Marlene Dietrich during one of her USO tours. She is in a military canteen. As Howard tells the story, no one was talking to her and music was playing. He asked her to dance and she accepted. The dance lasted all of 10-seconds as there was immediately a line of officers tapping his shoulder to cut in.


1945—Howard returns from the World War Two to start his life with his lovely bride.


20 August 1946—Paula Katherine Dyste, the first of seven children and six daughters, is born into their lives.


1951— With the outbreak of the Korean ‘Conflict’ Howard is called back into service for the United States Air Force. When he left the Army Air Corp he maintained status as a reservist. This led to a career as an officer that lasted until 1967.